
Homestead uses multiple plugins' APIs, including WorldGuard, PlaceholderAPI, dynmap, BlueMap, Pl3xMap, Squaremap, and Vault.


WorldGuard is another grief prevention plugin mostly used to protect spawns, PVP arenas... etc.

To prevent players from claiming chunks inside a WorldGuard protected area, enable this feature:

protect-worldguard-regions: true


PlaceholderAPI is a plugin that allows server owners to display information from various plugins in a uniform format.

Available placeholders:

  • %homestead_region_bank%: Displays the region's bank balance.

  • %homestead_region_name%: Shows the name of the region.

  • %homestead_region_claimed_chunks%: Indicates the total number of claimed chunks in the region.

  • %homestead_region_max_chunks%: Displays the maximum number of chunks a player can claim.

  • %homestead_region_trusted_members%: Indicates the total number of members in the region.

  • %homestead_region_max_members%: Displays the maximum number of chunks a player can claim.

  • %homestead_taxes_amount%: Displays the required amount to pay for taxes.

  • %homestead_taxes_at%: Shows when the region's owners must pay their taxes.

Some placeholders may display a null value. To replace the null values, edit the following default values:

  region_bank: "None" # The player's region's bank.
  region_name: "None" # The player's region's name.
  region_claimed_chunks: "0" # The player's region's claimed chunks count.
  region_max_chunks: "0" # The player's maximum chunks to claim.
  region_trusted_members: "0" # The player's region's trusted members count.
  region_max_members: "0" # The player's maximum members to add.
  taxes_amount: "0,00" # The amount that the player must pay for taxes.
  taxes_at: "Never" # When the player must pay for taxes.

dynmap, Pl3xMap, and Squaremap

dynmap, Pl3xMap, and Squaremap are Google Maps-like plugins, that show all claimed chunks in marked boxes.

  enabled: true # Enable or disable dynmap integration.

  chunk-border-color: 0x00FF00 # The chunk's border color.
  chunk-fill-color: 0x00FF00 # The chunk's fill color.
  chunk-description: "<div style='font-size:16px;'><b>{region}</b></div><br><b>Owner</b>: {region-owner}" # The chunk's information (supports HTML syntax)
  ... # Same configuration as dynmap
  ... # Same configuration as dynmap


Same as dynmap, but it shows the region's spawn locations instead of claimed chunks.

  enabled: true # Enable or disable BlueMap integration.

Last updated